STOP TA Clinic: 6/28/21 Prosecution with AEquitas Attorney Advisor John Wilkinson

Prosecution of domestic, dating and sexual violence, and stalking is central to the STOP Grant Program. This clinic featured John Wilkinson, an Attorney Advisor with Aequitas and former prosecutor from Fredericksburg, Virginia, who assisted STOP administrators in addressing challenges and questions that arise regarding the STOP Implementation Planning process. Mr. Wilkinson discussed a range of prosecution-related issues relevant to IP development including prosecutor representation and participation on STOP VAWA planning teams, support for victim advocates, challenges posed during COVID-19, being trauma-informed and victim-centered, safety and support for victims, the use of technology, and best practices (e.g., digital evidence and use of virtual platforms), overall justice system impacts, support under STOP for building collaborative models, and Aequitas resources to aid in Implementation Planning efforts.
